My written and Interpersonal Skills


Within this page I will discuss the presentation that I presented on web based communication. I will also discuss the type of information that I have included within my presentation and any improvements that I could make regarding the information and layout of the PowerPoint. Another topic that I will be writing about is how I worked in a group and how we communicated with our Interpersonal skills and written skills. These skills cover a wide range of topics including our body language, how we talked to one another and the language we used. Our written skills were a vital skill needed in order to make up each slide. This is because they had to be written in a way that would attract people’s attention.


The presentation that I presented with our group went well I felt. The information within the PowerPoint was informative contained a lot of information that described each of the topics we had to cover. The topics that we had to write about included a short description of what web based communications are, blogs, vlogs, podcasts and web pages. Each of our slides contained enough information to inform the audience of the topic yet not too much that it was over explaining the topic. I think the information was laid out well although at first the information was in one long paragraph although in the second draft of the PowerPoint we split the information up into bullet points while keeping the important information that was needed.

Each slide was also well presented with a professional theme and an image on each slide that was in relation to the topic in hand. The images that were put into the presentation were a nice size, not too big yet not too small and were placed on the slide in positions so that they were not hiding any of the information yet still made the slide look good. Although in the second draft of the PowerPoint we changed the colour of the theme so that it looked brighter. We also made it so that the title page was a different theme than the rest of the slides to give it another dynamic. We also added links to pictures within the Vlog page that leads the presentation to some popular blogs. This was added into the second draft as we felt it was a nice addition to the presentation as it would give the audience a break from the PowerPoint. Adding the links in also allowed the audience to see what a vlog is rather than just having it explained to them. We also made sure that the text within the PowerPoint was a suitable size and colour so that every member of our audience could clearly see the information

Spelling and grammar checks were carried out on the information on every slide within the PowerPoint as well as being proof read. This is to ensure that there were no mistakes hidden within the presentation. We thought it was important to do this as mistakes can look unprofessional as well as making the audience loose interest as they may think that we do not care about what we are doing. We didn’t think it was necessary to have notes on each topic on the slide notes. This can sometimes be very helpful but we felt like there was enough information within the slides. We had also all come across the topics before so we knew what they were about and were able to explain them without the extra help of notes.

All of this being said our presentation could have been improved if we had run through the slides a few times before actually presenting the PowerPoint. If we had have run through them then we could have worked out who was going to say what so that there wasn’t discussions right before the presentation. Running through the presentation before hand may also have improved our body language which was a little stiff and we didn’t make enough contact with the audience. Also adding in some questions for the audience at the end of each slide would have been a good idea as this would have ensured that they were all paying attention to the information being given to them.

If I was to redo the presentation I think it may be a good idea to add in more images as there was only one to each slides, apart from the vlog page which had images set up as links. I would also come up with a few questions for the audience in order to keep their attention.

Overall, I thought the presentation went well. The information was good and the layout of the slides looked professional. Although there are a few improvements that could be made to improve the PowerPoint, such as more images and audience questions.


I think that I and my team mates worked well together in order to create and present the PowerPoint. We were able to divide the tasks up between us easily and worked well to gather the information and create a good, informative PowerPoint. We communicated well and discussed the information that we were including in the PowerPoint to ensure that we both understood it and were able to present all of the slides. Communicating with each other about the information that we were including within the PowerPoint also insured that we were both able to answer any questions that the audience had on any of the slides.

In conclusion I believe that overall, the presentation that our group gave was very good. It was informative and had the right amount of information to inform but not overwhelm the audience. It also was laid out good with appropriately sized and coloured writing so that all of the audience could see the information. My team and I all worked well together to give the audience a presentation that they could understand and then use the knowledge later on if they needed to.

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